Data to Decisions: Empowering Teams through Customized Dashboard Design

Al-Futtaim Automotive

Data to Decisions: Empowering Teams through Customized Dashboard Design

Al-Futtaim Automotive

Black and White Photoshoot
Black and White Photoshoot


Al-Futtaim Automotive customer dashboard designs


AFA customer service, sales, marketing and product teams


6 weeks


UI/UX designer


Sprint, research, dashboard design, prototyping

Before diving in, I wanted to give a big shoutout to the team that helped every step of the way, from ideation through flawless execution.

— In this case

The problem

Disconnected data sources and limited team collaboration

What I did

Design customized Tableau dashboards to empower teams

The results

Increased organic revenue by 193% in 8 months

What I learned

A few takeaways

Al-Futtaim Automotive (AFA) is home of a big portfolio of automotive brands, founded under the umbrella of “Al Futtaim” – the biggest retail group in the Middle East. I've worked on multiple exciting projects and more recently briefed on their unique challenge of UX/UI design.

The problem

AFA lacked a unified view of the customer across their online and offline channels. Customer insights were scattered across separate systems, making it difficult for teams to work together and provide consistent experiences. There was an opportunity to centralize AFA's customers data and design intuitive interfaces that would give teams a holistic perspective. This had the potential to transform how customer insights were leveraged and maximize value from their data.

What i did

As a designer, my goal was empowering teams with intuitive customer views. Leveraging research, I designed customized Tableau dashboards tailored to roles. Prototypes underwent testing to refine intuitive designs enhancing collaboration around shared insights.


As lead UI/UX designer, I saw the positive impact firsthand. With the integrated dashboards providing a unified view, AFA increased organic revenue 193% in 8 months.

Feedback showed our intuitive, workflow-integrated designs succeeded in changing behaviors by empowering teams with shared customer insights. This approach also won us the MENA Digital Award, validating how our user-centered visualization transformed business use of customer data.

Seeing how the interface I designed transformed raw insights into meaningful actions driving business results affirmed the value of design thinking and truly understanding users' needs.

Lessons Learned

I learned to remain open-minded when validating assumptions with users. Many of my initial hypotheses about desired dashboard features did not align with realities of workflow integration. Partnering closely with stakeholders ensured the solution enhanced processes versus adding friction. Truly listening to and learning from users proved invaluable for developing an impactful solution people wanted to use regularly.

— Currently available for new work.

Lets work together.
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— Currently available for new work.

Lets work together.
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